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Biu Zi 2nd Section (1 of 3)

Writer's picture: James MarshJames Marsh

Updated: May 14, 2021

擸插/laap3 caap3 (lap tsap)/bringing together stab (palms to the side)


  1. Both hands come up first, palms facing you

  2. Caap and Laap are then thrown to the side with Zyun Maa

  3. Left hand Caap first, yet thrown to your right hand side

  4. Caap (palm to side) is same angle as Soeng Teoi Wun

  5. Palm of Caap is facing the side (not down like earlier Caap where palm is down)

  6. Wrist of Caap is bent (ulnar deviation)

  7. For palms down, see ‘Caap’ earlier in the form

  8. Laap elbow angle is at 90°


  1. Caap alone:

  2. This is the striking version of Soeng Teoi Wunpalms facing each other

  3. Caap is same 3 variations as Paak Daa (i.e. ‘double outside’, ‘double inside’ and ‘1 in 1 out’) or combine with ‘same side, outside’ SLT Gam Sau

  4. Practice accuracy (not power) on pads to attack the eyes

  5. Throw the wrist to flick the fingers to the eyes

  6. Laap Caap together:

  7. Can be applied frontally as well as to the side

  8. Laap Caap is best inside their punch trapping their back hand

  9. If doing outside they can hit you with their 2nd hand

  10. Therefore do 1 hand outside Gaau Caa Sau first and then Laap Caap their 2nd Punch

  11. Can replace the Caap with a different strike e.g. Pok Zoeng or Punch etc

剁/doek3 (derk)/chop (behind your body)


  1. Like Hoi but keeps going to end in a Haa Gaau Caa Sau position (low, 1 handed)

  2. Do ‘palm up’ after Caap, before rotating the forearm as you chop

  3. Use Zyun Maa

  4. Hit with your wrist joint so that there is no chance of hitting with your fingers

  5. Different from the Doek later in the form (Pai Sau section) which is across your body


  1. Inside or outside

  2. Used to strike the arm of an incoming low strike behind you

  3. Used if they have a weaponhurt their arm (rather than deflect) to increase the chance of them dropping it

  4. Keep your elbow in – increases the power of the strike

  5. Train against a pad facing diagonally upwards

裝手/zong1 sau2 (jong sao)/pretending hand


  1. Like single-hand SNT Zat Sau but palm up and with Zyun Maa

  2. From Doek you draw a small half-circle with your elbow as you Zong Sau

  3. Use the 1st circle to rotate the forearm from palm down to palm up

  4. Zyun Maa 90° after Doek so that you are facing at a 45° angle away from straight forward

  5. Your Zong hand is like a Taan Sau relative to your 1st centreline

  6. Back hand is Hau Sau (90° Taan Sau)

  7. Zong Sau is related to BZ Zat Sau later in form


  1. Same side, outside

  2. Diagonal, inside is possible but you have to change quickly as you are not facing their 2nd hand

  3. Train an exercise where you have done Doek to one opponent, and then are attacked by a 2nd opponent at an angle and do Zong Sau

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