鏢指/biu1 zi2 (biu jee)/darting fingers
In our school there are only 2 sections so that the Gaang/Fat/Pai triad are not broken up.
Biu Zi focuses on the following:
Operating at a shorter range than Siu Nim Tao (e.g. elbow strikes, Got Sau)
Finger strikes (e.g. Caap)
At a disadvantage e.g:
Coming from a collapsed arms position (e.g. Pai Sau)
You are being Laaped and have to use your other arm (e.g. BZ Zat Sau/Zaam Sau)
Acting later than your opponent – behind on timing (e.g. Fat Sau)
New wrist angle (ulnar deviation) other than neutral (Taan), flexed (Fuk) and extended (Wu) from the previous forms
Arms should be at 135° (mid point between straight and 90°) unless otherwise stated.
下交叉手/haa5 gaau1 caa1 sau2 (ha gau cha sao)/Lower blocking HAND
Elbows on the braces line
Forearms point diagonally downwards if viewed from the side
‘Blade’ (ulna) of forearm facing the floor
Arms touch at the 3rd centreline
Left arm over right
Covers strikes below your 2nd centreline and hence the lower half of your ‘rectangle‘
Same as Siu Nim Tao 1st Section
One arm same side, outside or diagonal outside to a low strike below your 2nd centreline
For situations where you hands are up and back (fists drawn back position) and need to get down and forwards quickly
Use two arms for defence against a knee
Can tilt torso forward at the hip in order to fully cover the lower half of your ‘rectangle’
雙護手/soeng1 wu6 sau2 (seung wu sao)/double protecting HAND
Elbows on the ‘braces’ line
Tips of the fingers in line with the chin
Forearms pointing diagonally up if looking from the side
Forearms touch at the 3rd centreline and at the height of the upper arm 3rd centreline (see rectangle)
Left arm over right
Covers strikes above your 2nd centreline and hence the upper half of your ‘rectangle’
Double outside – 1 hand forward trapping their back hand (same side, outside), 1 hand back
1 hand diagonal, inside (trapping their back hand) + inside Hau Paak Sau – emphasise fingers going up – designed to get your hands up quickly when you are behind on timing
寸勁/cyun3 ging6 (chun geng)/inch power
Same as ‘Elbow In’ Punch but trained going from only a 90° elbow angle to 135°, and at 1-3 inches from target
Same as ‘Elbow In’ Punch but trained at 1-3 inches from pad
鏢指/BIU1 ZI2 (biu jee)/DARTING FINGERS (palm up)
Elbow angle at 175°
Elbow in line with your 1st centreline
Wrist turned out 45° (like Tiu Sau)
Wrist neutral
Fingers at the level of your eyes
Same 3 variations as Paak Daa i.e. double outside, double inside and 1 in 1 out
下沉踭/haa5 cam4 Zaang1 (ha chum jaang)/downward sinking elbow
Elbow angle at 90°
Elbow in line with your 1st centreline
Wrist at 0° (like ‘Elbow Out’ Punch)
Wrist neutral
Fingertips at the level of your chin
Similar to these 8 Punches but with an open hand:
Gwaat Daa (same side, outside)
Cyun Daa (same side, inside)
Laai Daa (diagonal, outside)
上推腕/soeng5 teoi1 wun2 (seung toi wun)/upward pushing wrist
Elbow angle at 135°
Elbow in line with your 1st centreline
Wrist at 0° (like ‘Elbow Out’ Punch)
Wrist bent to the side (ulnar deviation)
Index finger at the level of your chin (form is like a defensive move rather than strike to the eye)
Used as a defensive move only – Soeng Caap (after Kap Zaang in form) is similar but for strike to the eyes
‘Diagonal, outside’ aiming for their back hand or neck
Can combine with SLT Hau Paak Sau to reach past their neck, into BZ Straight Mang Sau (see below) to jerk their neck down (Muk Jan Zong – Dummy)
横推腕/waang4 TEOI1 WUN2 (wang toi wun)/horizontal PUSHING WRIST
Forearm same as 1 hand Gaau Caa Sau
Elbow angle at 135°
Elbow in line with your ‘braces’ line
3rd centreline in line with your 1st centreline
Palm facing down
Wrist bent to the side (ulnar deviation)
Wrist turns at the same time that forearm moves
Used as a defensive move only – Soeng Caap (after Kap Zaang in form) is similar but for strike to the eyes
‘Same side, outside’, ‘diagonal, inside’ and ‘diagonal, outside’ (with LH Hau Paak)
From Ci Sau, can do ‘same side, outside’ by grabbing their hand and pulling their arm forward and across your body
Can ‘same side, outside’ into Waang Mang Sau (see below) into Biu to ribs
Can ‘diagonal, inside’ into inside BZ Laap + BZ Caap to eyes
Can LH Paak into ‘diagonal, outside’/they punch/you inside BZ Laap + Waang Zaang (elbow)
横沉踭/WAANG4 cam4 zaang1 (wang chum jarn)/horizontal sinking elbow
Elbow angle at 90°
Hand in line with your 1st centreline and upper 3rd centreline (on your rectangle)
Elbow in ‘elbow out’ position
Wrist neutral
Palm facing down
Similar application to CK Cam Zaang but move is much smaller and no Zyun Maa (turning)
Same side, inside and diagonal, outside
Can follow up with Caap (straight or wide)
横掹手/waang4 Mang1 sau2 (wang mung sao)/horizontal pulling hand (wide)
Elbow angle at 90°
Fingers grab to make a fist
Forearm goes down the line of the CK Gaau Caa Sau forearm
Hand in line with upper 3rd centreline (on your rectangle)
From above, hand is at 45° angle from your 1st centreline
Elbow in ‘elbow out’ position
Same side, outside and diagonal, inside
Has a ‘whipping’/’jerking’ quality on your opponent’s arm when combining your fingers and forearm together
Can follow up with Biu Zi (see below) to strike under their ribs
In Ci Sau, can ‘diagonal, inside’ their upper arm Bong
Can Waang Mang their neck (rotate hand slightly so the back of your hand is facing you)
Follow up with Dai Zaang (same hand) or Kap Zaang (other hand)
鏢指/BIU1 ZI2 (biu jee)/DARTING FINGERS (to the body)
Elbow angle at 135°
Fingertips in line with 1st centreline
Elbow in ‘elbow out’ position
Wrist neutral
Palm facing down
Used after Mang Sau to stab under their ribs