A note on Cantonese
I use the ‘Jyut Ping’ (粵拼) Cantonese writing system as I have found it to be the most accurate.
For an excellent way to learn Cantonese pronunciation, see Fluent Forever. For a dictionary see CantoDict or use the Hanping Cantonese App for Android.
To recap, the 4 ‘Slots’ are:
Same side, outside (e.g. your left arm to their right punch)
Same side, inside (e.g. your left arm to their right punch)
Diagonal, outside (e.g. your right arm to their right punch)
Diagonal, inside (e.g. your right arm to their right punch)
Almost always combine a backward move with a forward move (e.g. a punch)
All backward moves finish with an elbow angle of either 45° (e.g. Hau Paak Sau), 90° (e.g. Laai Daa) or 135° (e.g. SNT/BZ Got Sau)
Train these moves in isolation, however in practice they are used when your front arm is already in a forward position and can go backwards directly from there
The examples below are 3 fists (from the 8 Punches) and 1 Hau Paak Sau (as you can’t use a fist to defend diagonally, inside)
As the examples below are only demonstrating the 4 slots, you can replace them with any backward move that fits that slot
It doesn’t matter if your front arm ends up inside or outside of their non-striking arm
1 – Same side, outside 刮打/gwaat3 daa2/scraping strike

Use your forearm or wrist to catch the punch from above
Bring your arm down in a circular motion
Keep your forearm pointing at your opponent’s nose
2 – same side, inside 穿打/cyun1 daa2/piercing strike

Use your forearm or wrist to catch the punch from the side
Keep your wrist neutral – Cyun Daa will work as long as they are doing an ‘elbow in’ punch
Your forearm goes straight backwards along the line of the forearm itself
3 – diagonal, outside 拉打/laai1 daa2/pulling strike

Use your forearm or wrist to catch the punch from the side
Keep your wrist neutral – Laai Daa will work as long as they are doing an ‘elbow in’ punch
Your forearm goes straight backwards along the line of the forearm itself
Zyun Maa (turn body) as part of Laai Daa
4 – diagonal, inside 後拍打/hau6 paak3 daa2/behind clapping strike

Use your palm to deflect or pull back the punch
Your Paak goes directly backwards next to your cheek